Monday 24 June 2013

                  P5 unit 14 :) .........

                               This is p3 unit 14 :) ...

Monday 4 February 2013

I think that using blogger is so much easier !!!!!!!!!

Blogger makes sharing are work and getting it marked so much easier because, There is no faffing about trying to print it of and get it marked because we can just save it as a jpeg and then upload it streight to blogger and all you have to do is click on somebody elses name to mark it rather then having to try and find the persons work and keep it all together.

Using blogger makes everything easier because then you can change something if you get it wrong and if you need do some extra you can even do it at home easily !!!

This is M1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Risks of using the internet.....

Risks of using the internet , problems that might arise.....

1- On the internet people are anonymous,There are con-artists and all sorts of people out there that are not safe .

2- Not all the people on the internet are there for the right reasons there are bullies and even pedophiles and cyber bullies.

3- Some people use social networking sites such as Facebook as free advertising and if you like them even once you can end up with chain mail and even viruses.

4- Problems via the internet do not only effect us but they effect others..... People get depressed and even commit suicide because of the internet!!!!!!

The internet be a great place to chat with mates and do your homework but it will always be Dangerous!!!!!!!!

This is M1